Born 24-2-1944 in Pamplona, Navarra, Spain. Bishop of David, Panamá Ordained 18-1-1986 Casa del Obispo Apartado 109 David, Chiriqui, Panamá Tel. (507) 775 29 16 Fax (507) 775 39 20
Province Our Lady of Consolation Year of episcopal ordination 1986 Motto Praesumus si prosumus


Bishop Lacunza completed his study of the humanities in the minor seminary, “San José”, of the Augustinian Recollects in Artieda, Spain. He received his studies of philosophy in the Seminary of Our Lady of Valentunana, Sos del Rey Católico, (Zaragoza) and in the Major Seminary of the Our Lady of Consolation in Pamplona. His studies of theology also were completed in the same major seminary.

His entered the novitiate of the Augustinian Recollects in Spain (1963-1964) and made his profession of simple vows on the 14th of September of 1964. He professed his solemn vows on the 16th of September of 1967 in Pamplona. He was ordained to the priesthood on the 13th of July.1969.

He obtained a licentiate in Philosophy and History from the National University of Panamá with his published thesis, “Fundamento Espiritual de la Edad Moderna”.

He was named Auxliary Bishop of Panamá on the 30th of December of 1985 and titular of Partenia. His ordination to the episcopacy was celebrated on the 18th of January of 1986.


– Professor of Latin and Religion in the Colegio Nuestra Señora del Buen Consejo, Madrid.

– Professor of Religion, Mathematics, Art, Sociology, Latin and Philosophy in the Colegio San Agustín, Panamá.

– Director of the Colegio San Agustín, 1979-1985.

– Provincial councilor of the province for Central America and Panamá, 1976-1982.

– Administrator of the vicariate, 1976-1985.

– President of the Federation of Catholic Educators of Panamá.

– Member of the Board of Trustees of the Catholic University Santa María la Anigua (ASMA) 1980-1985.

– Member of the Priests’ Council of the Archdiocese of Panamá, 1984.

– Rector of USMA, 1985.

– Rector of the Major Seminary, “San José” .

– Vicar general, episcopal vicar for education and vicar for the city.

– On the national level, has served as president of the Conference of Bishops of Panamá .

– President of the Department of Education and Cultura.

– Delegate of the C.E.P. to USMA.

– Served as General Secretary for the Episcopal Secretariat of Central America (SEDAC), responsible for the Section of Apostolate of the Episcopal Council for Latin-America (CELAM) .

– Named Bishop of Chitré, 29th of October, 1994.

– Named Bishop of David, 28th of August, 1999.


The diocese of David was erected by Pope Pius XII on the 6th of March, 1955, with the issuance of the Bull, “Amantissimus Deus”. It consisted of the provinces of Chiriqui and Bocas del Toro. In 1962, with the creation of the Prelacy of Bocas del Toro in the province of the same name, the new diocese was reduced to the province of Chriqui. A further creation of the district of Ngobe-Buglé in 1997, explains the present extension and geographical configuration of the diocese.

The diocese of David is divided into 26 parishes grouped into 6 Pastoral Zones. It includes the province of Chriqui and the districts of Besiko, Mirono, Nole-Duima, and Muna of the district of Ngobe-Bugle created by Law 10 of March 7, 1997. The extension of the diocese is 8.653 square kilometers and a population of 433.000 including 70.000 indigenous residents.

It is a zone of varied climates and fertile soil which facilitates agricultural productivity including livestock, farming, cultivation of flowers, plantations of coffee and bananas, breeding of pure blood horses, and production of honey. There are thermal waters and a great variety of flora and fauna.

The region is host to various rivers whose channel volume depends upon the season, dry or rainy. They are utilized as means of transport and communication as well as for fishing, production of energy and the practice of water sports. These rivers are, Chriqui Viejo, Chriqui, Chorcha, Rio Chico o Piedra, Fonseca, Tabasara, San Felix and Santiago. All flow into the Pacific.