Bishop Arias was ordained in 1952 on the occasion of the Eucharistic Congress held in Barcelona that year. Following ordination, he worked in various schools serving as priest and professor. Between 1952 and 1953, he taught Natural Sciences and Cosmology at St. Rita College in San Sebastian, Spain. Later, he taught religion in Maddox Academy in Mexico City. Upon his transfer to Kansas City, Kansas, and to the major seminary of the Monastery of St. Augustine of that city, he served as professor of religion and prefect of seminarians. He also taught Spiritual Theology, Church History and Psychology from 1964 to 1966.
In 1983, he was named Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Newark, New Jersey engaged principally in the developing the Hispanic apostolate in the Archdiocese. He represented the Hispanic community in the northeast region of the United States and in various national congresses and encounters dedicated to the development of the pastoral aspects of this apostolate. As bishop, he served on various commissions, including, the Episcopal Commission on Communications, Hispanic Affairs, the V Centenary, and Latin America. He is a member of the Episcopal Conference of New Jersey and is a member of the Foundation for Hispanic Culture of New York. In the Archdiocese he also served as Regional Bishop of the County of Hudson, Episcopal Vicar for Hispanic Affairs, and Pastor of the church of St. Joseph of the Palisades in West New York.