by Agustinos Recoletos | Abr 21, 2023 | Sin categoría @en
Friar Miguel Angel Hernandez will visit the missionary communities of Kamabai and Kamalo in Sierra Leone from April 26 to May 3. The Prior General will make a fraternal visit to the Augustinian Recollect communities of Sierra Leone from April 26 to May 3. Friar Miguel...
by Agustinos Recoletos | Feb 8, 2023 | Sin categoría @en
Dear Brothers and Sisters: On Monday, February 6, we woke up to the sad news of the catastrophe caused by a strong earthquake in Turkey and Syria. At the time of writing this letter, more than 8.000 people have already died, but we all know that unfortunately these...
by Agustinos Recoletos | Abr 6, 2021 | Sin categoría @en
Declared officially as a new parish on March 16, 1971 by his Eminence Rufino Cardinal Santos following a papal desire and pronouncement made by no less than Pope Paul VI himself when His Holiness visited the depressed areas around on November 30, 1970, the Our Lady of...
by | May 9, 2017 | Destacados portada, News, Sin categoría @en
[ESPÍRITO SANTO – BRASIL] Durante el 21 y 21 de abril, 14 religiosos con menos de 10 años de profesión solemne participaron en el encuentro de religiosos jóvenes de Marataízes (Brasil). Fue la oportunidad para tratar temas...
by | May 9, 2017 | Destacados portada, News, Sin categoría @en
[NEW JERSEY – EEUU] The Commission for the union of the provinces of St. Augustine and St. Nicholas of Tolentino met in West Orange, NJ. The presence of the Order has been considered in the United States, working groups have been set up and a roadmap has...
by | May 5, 2017 | Destacados portada, News, Sin categoría, Sin categoría @en
Today, May 5, the Prior General of the Order of Augustinian Recollects, has written a letter to all the communities of the Order to express the rejection of the situation of oppression and violence that is currently being experienced in Venezuela. This shows the...