by Agustinos Recoletos | Abr 24, 2013 | General (en)
The work, composed of 52 chapters which will beshownin the coming weeks in,, presents the Confessions of St. Augustine in a series of dialogues and situations, which goes from the present to the past in Tagaste, Carthage, Milan and Hippo,...
by Agustinos Recoletos | Mar 8, 2013 | General (en)
Message of the general prior to the Assembly of the Recoletos Educational Apostolate of the Philippines.Ver documento PDF Autor: R. P. Prior GeneralPhilippines
by Agustinos Recoletos | Feb 28, 2013 | General (en)
Document number 8 published by the Commission in the process of revitalization and restructuring of the orderVer documento PDF Autor: Comisión del proceso de revitalización y reestructuración de la OrdenITALY
by Agustinos Recoletos | Dic 5, 2012 | General (en)
Documento 7 The Members and the Presence
of the OrderVer documento PDF Autor: Comisión del proceso de revitalización y reestructuración de la OrdenItaly
by Agustinos Recoletos | Oct 23, 2012 | Destacados portada, Destacados portada, Destacados portada, documentos del prior, General (en)
Message major superiors meeting Panama,Ver documento PDF Autor: Prior General y Superiores Mayores de AméricaPanama
by Agustinos Recoletos | Sep 12, 2012 | Destacados portada, Destacados portada, Destacados portada, documentos del prior, General (en)
The brief religiosas familiasVer documento PDF Autor: Prior General. 19 agosto 2012: Prot. N. 1-1/12.13Italy