by Agustinos Recoletos | Nov 6, 2023 | Fraternidad Seglar (en), We're telling you
The Order of Augustinian Recollects calls the Secular Augustinian Recollect Fraternities to a Family Encounter from November 13-16, 2023 in the facilities of Sitio Santo Agostinho, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). The objective of the encounter is that, together, they may...
by Agustinos Recoletos | Mar 12, 2014 | Fraternidad Seglar (en)
Rule of Life of the Secular Augustinian RecollectsVer documento PDF Autor: OARSpain
by Agustinos Recoletos | Sep 20, 2010 | Fraternidad Seglar (en)
Sergio Sanchez reflects on the Fraternity Secular Augustinian Recollects and hereby submits a proposal for training that can serve as a basis for preparing a training route for members of fraternities. Year of the document: 2010 Document available in SpanishVer...
by Agustinos Recoletos | Dic 9, 2009 | Fraternidad Seglar (en)
Using the short article published in the Magazine “Toma y lee”, in the first place I wish to encourage you to live your faith in hope and rediscover the the value of your vocation as lay Augustinian Recollects. Secondly I would like to inform you of the...
by Agustinos Recoletos | Mar 5, 2009 | Fraternidad Seglar (en)
English translation of the book “Guía para erigir la fraternidad seglar agustino-recoleta” (Roma, 1995), 69-89. The text have suffered some adjustments.Year of document: 2009.Document available in spanish, english and portuguese.Ver documento PDF...
by Agustinos Recoletos | Sep 24, 2008 | Fraternidad Seglar (en)
The fraternities gathered in this first Convention considered very appropriate formulate the following recommendations to all our brothers and sisters of the Province. Year of document: 2008. Document available in spanish, english and portuguese.Ver documento PDF...