by | Oct 20, 2016 | Destacados portada, News
Today, October 20, the Augustinian Recollect chapter friars were received by the Holy Father, Pope Francis in the Sala Clementina of the Vatican, at 11 o’clock in the morning, on occasion of the 55th General Chapter of the Order being held in Rome. The encounter with...
by | Oct 19, 2016 | Destacados portada, News
Cardinal Joao Braz de Aziz, Prefect of the Congregation for the Institutes of Consecrated Life and the Societies of Apostolic Life, on October 17, Monday, celebrated the Eucharist in the residence in Via de Monte Cucco at the outskirts of Rome, where the 55th General...
by | Oct 6, 2016 | Destacados portada, News
The Augustinian Recollect Bishop Alfonso Gallegos died on October 6, 1991. On the occasion of his 25th death anniversary, the General Chapter rendered homage to Monsignor Alfonso Gallegos, who, after his heroic virtues were recognized, was declared Venerable on July...
by | Oct 3, 2016 | Destacados portada, News
The 55th General Chapter of the Order of Augustinian Recollects began with the solemn singing of Veni Creator Spiritus at the Chapter Hall. This was immediately followed by the Prior General’s summative report on the development of the Order starting from the last...
by | Oct 1, 2016 | Destacados portada, News
El próximo lunes 3 de octubre comenzará en Roma el 55º Capítulo General de la OAR con la eucaristía de inicio presidida por Monseñor Rodríguez Carballo, secretario de la Congregación para los Institutos de Vida Religiosa y Sociedades de Vida Apostólica. El informe del...
by | Sep 29, 2016 | Destacados portada, News
Los agustinos recoletos renuevan su web y su imagen para impulsar la comunicación dentro de la Familia agustino – recoleta y fuera de ella, para que la gente pueda conocer su carisma, qué hacen y cómo lo hacen, y en definitiva desean acercar la OAR a todo el mundo. El...