by Antonio Carrón OAR | Ago 30, 2024 | A friendly word
The month of August is, for all of us who are part of the Augustinian Family, an excellent opportunity to deepen our understanding of the legacy we have received from the great Saint Augustine and how the figure of this saint is able to speak to today’s society...
by Antonio Carrón OAR | Ago 27, 2024 | A friendly word
For her personal and symbolic life, her influence on St. Augustine, St. Monica deserves a place of honor in the Christian saints’ calendar. Her determination, fortitude, intelligence, maternal love and fidelity to the Church were decisive in the religious...
by Wilmer Moyetones OAR | Ago 26, 2024 | A friendly word
The title of the present reflection comes from the first section of the Instrumentum Laboris (IL) of the Synod of Bishops, which contains five fundamentals that can invite us to reflect, and thus be able to respond to a fundamental question: How to be a missionary...
by Mons. Mario Alberto Molina OAR | Ago 24, 2024 | A friendly word
This Sunday we listen to the fifth and last passage of chapter 6 of the Gospel according to John. In past Sundays, the Church has been presenting us with segments of that chapter in which Jesus expounds and develops his teaching about the need to believe in him and to...
by Mons. Mario Alberto Molina OAR | Ago 17, 2024 | A friendly word
One of the characteristics of Catholic theology on the Eucharist is its realism. According to the Catholic faith, the consecrated bread and wine do not symbolize, represent or evoke the Body and Blood of Christ, but are the Body and Blood of Christ in a real,...
by Nico | Ago 16, 2024 | A friendly word
The function of language is to signify; that is, to express reality in words. Its function is to encode in order to be decoded. Therefore, language must be clear, concrete and fair. Because language expresses what it means, without ambiguity or misinterpretation....