Solitude as ‘conquest’

Solitude as ‘conquest’

Solitude is present in our society. It is the common denominator of many circumstances. The Augustinian Recollect Antonio Carrón reflects on this matter from the point of view of the philosopher María Zambrano. Current phenomena such as addiction to technology, family...
God is not a pyromaniac

God is not a pyromaniac

The Augustinian Recollect Miguel Ángel Ciaurriz reflects in this article on the fire in the cathedral of Notre Dame, Paris, and its importance in the culture and faith of Europe. It occurred to someone to say that the fire of Notre Dame was God’s response, in...
On the attacks in Sri Lanka

On the attacks in Sri Lanka

Hundreds of Christians were killed in Sri Lanka in several explosions as they celebrated Easter and Christ’s Resurrection. This is what the Augustinian Recollect Antonio Carrón reflects on. Waking up on Easter Sunday with the news of the Sri Lankan attacks on...
Water Justice and Faith

Water Justice and Faith

Water is life. This is the reflexion of Jaazeal Jakosalem, augustinian recollect Water is an important element of life. Communities can never survive without water. The current situation impels us to act “to protect” our life-giving resource. “Too many people still...