El Prior general manda un sencillo mensaje a la familia agustino recoleta en el que invita a vivir el Adviento desde la perspectiva solidaria, utilizando para ello los materiales que ha editado ARCORES para este tiempo.
Prepare the ways of the Lord!
The time of Advent invites us to wait.
Look up to heaven,
behold in the night the multitude of stars,
The light dawns, the sun gives life and color to all Creation,
A new day is born, yesterday is behind us and tomorrow is coming.
We are offered a new opportunity to open our hearts
to listen, to walk, to be in solidarity,
to pray, to love and to work for peace,
to prepare Christmas with joy,
The Augustinian Recollects invite you to live with hope,
to prepare Christmas with joy
May the Lord bless you!
Miguel Miró OAR
Prior general
Download ARCORES material for Advent and Christmas