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Walk for life at the University of Negros Occidental in the Philippines

On March 10, the University of Negros Occidental (Philippines) celebrated its 10th Day of Solidarity under the motto «Blessed are the merciful, for they will obtain mercy.» The day began with a pro-life walk that defended the right to life from conception to death. Fr. Ronel Gealon, promoter of the walk, insisted on messages against the death penalty, abortion, suicide, drug use or murder. He also stressed the need to «oppose anti-life laws, not only in our country, but throughout the world.» The walk departed from the University of Negros Occidental until the Libertad zone, returning, again, to the university campus. After the walk, the schedule of the day continued in the university pavilion with an exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and shared prayer that revealed the contemplative character of augustinian recollect spirituality. Then the participants gathered by reflection groups until noon, with the Angelus prayer, showing the community dimension of the augustinian recollect charism. Later in the afternoon, another talk about love and the Eucharistic celebration was held, presided over by Fr. Rocelo Villarosa, accompanied by Br. William Villaflor, Br. Eduardo Celiz, Br. Perzius Decena and Br. Ronel Galeon. The day ended with a symbol made with candles that showed the need to spread the light of Jesus Christ to the world, showing the apostolic dimension of the Augustinian Recollect charism.