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Anniversary of the brief ‘Religious Families

The Augustinian Recollection, which was born in 1588, finds in September 16, 1912 one of its historical milestones.
On that day, Pope St. Pius X promulgated the brief Religiosas Familias, through which he declared the Augustinian Recollects a religious order.
It was 324 years after the first Recollects.

In the document, the Pontiff recognized that throughout history the Recollects had left a magnificent testimony of apostolic zeal, subsisting the charism as a sacred fire until it revived giving abundant fruits of religious zeal.
The brief Religiosas Familias was received with joy by the religious, who saw in this important gesture of the Holy Father the recognition, gratitude and support to the Recollection.


A new path

The pontifical brief consolidated the Augustinian Recollect identity and reaffirmed the sense of belonging.
The idea spread immediately that the pontifical recognition demanded from everyone new efforts in the task of reorganizing the whole life of the Order: its government, laws, apostolate, studies, the formation of its religious… This event, in addition, impelled the religious to strengthen their bonds with the Recollect nuns, to promote their own associations and the cult to their saints.

He also exhorted them to look with gratitude and faith at our history and in a particular way at this last century of the life and mission of the Order.
Let us seek in it that which bears witness not only to human history, but also to divine intervention in human vicissitudes.


The text

The text of the apostolic letter Religiosas familias was promulgated in Latin only.
These are the words promulgated by St. Pius X in his brief.

Ad perpetuam rei memoriam.
– Religiosas familias, quae tum vetustate, tum sodalium in orbe terrarum frequentia, tum praesertim exantlatis laboribus in augenda Dei gloria aeternaque salute hominibus procuranda, optime de Ecclesia sint meritae, de more institutoque Romanorum Pontificum praecipuis honoribus ac privilegiis propensa voluntate decoramus.
Nemo itaque ignorat inter sacros huiusmodi coetus iure recensendos esse Augustinianos Recollectos seu Discalceatos Congregationis Hispaniae et Indiarum, qui ad inclytum Ordinem Eremitarum S. Augustini, splendidissimi Ecclesiae luminis, pertinentes, peculiares suos natales venerabili Thomae a Iesu gloriae vertunt, cuius animus in vita ac Passione Ss.mi Redemptoris nostri defixus semper fuit, Eumque imitando feliciter expressit.
Ex nobili hac origine mirum est quan tum praedicta Congregatio brevi processerit; nam non modo in Hispanus, verum etiam in America meridionali, in Iaponia et in longinquis insulis Philippinis, a doctis sanctisque viris, quorum multi martyrium fecerunt, cohonestata, luculentum apostolici studii ubique dedit testimonium.
Quod quidem laudis praeconium cum ceteris eiusdem Congregationis provinciis, tum potissimum est illi tribuendum quae, a S. Nicolao Tolentinate nuncupata, in dictis Philippinis insulis pro viribus adlaboravit ut Christi nomen longe lateque propagaretur.
Haec enim provincia, Deo adiuvante, tamquam sacer extitit ignis, quo Recollectorum familia iterum alta, in veteribus regionibus regionibus, ubi iniuria temporum oppressa fuerat, magna cum spe revixit, atque uberiores religiosi sui ministerii edidit fructus.
Consentaneum igitur esse Romani Pontifices, decessores Nostri, existimarunt, hoc Augustinianae Recollectionis institutum singularibus privilegiis indultisque augere, et Nos eodem consilio permoti, vota ac preces dilecti filii Francisci Sádaba a Virgine Carmeli, Procuratoris generalis, qui novas a Nobis gratias pro hac sua Congregatione nasuta vit, benigne excipienda censuimus.
Quare Augustinianos Recollectos seu Discalceatos e Congregatione Hispaniae et Indiarum peculiari benevolentia complectentes, eorumque incremento ac prosperitati consulere, quantum in Domino possumus, volentes, praesentium tenore, apostolica auctoritate Nostra, perpetuum in modum concedimus ac largimur, ut in posterum supremus eiusdem Congregationis Moderator, qui huc usque Vicarius generalis appellatus fuit » Prior generalis Ordinis Eremitarum Recollectorum S. Augustini » vocari possit ac debeat.
Pari autem auctoritate Nostra concedimus, ut tum huic Priori generali, tum generali memoratae Congregationis Procuratori locus assignetur in Cappella Papali, et respective in functionibus, quibus ex pontificia concessione intersunt ceteri generales Ordinum Moderatores.
Denique quo potius benevolentiae Nostrae eidem bene inerenti Congregationi exhibeamus documentum, hisce item Litteris potestatem perpetuo facimus, cuius vi praefatus supremus Moderator Augustinianorum Recollectorum eadem facultate polleat, qua ex huius S. Sedis concessionibus utitur dilectus filius Prior generalis pro tempore Ordinis Eremitarum S. Augustini quod ad Sodalitia Ss.
Ritae a Cassia et Clarae a Cruce de Montefalco, nec non quod ad sacrum Scapulare Deiparae Virginis a Bono Consilio. Decernentes praesentes litteras firmas validas efficaces semper existere et fore suosque plenarios et integros effectus sortiri et obtinere, illisque ad quos spectat et in posterum spectabit in omnibus et per omnia plenissime suffragari; sicque in praemissis per quoscumque iudices ordinarios et delegatos iudicari et definiri debere, atque irritum esse et inane si secus super his a quoquam, quavis auctoritate, scienter vel ignoranter contigerit attentari.
Haec vero impertimus, derogantes de Nostro Motu-Proprio diei VII aprilis anno MCMX quod ad necessitatem per supremam sacram Congregationem S. Officii concessas indulgentias recognoscendi, ac non obstantibus Nostra et Cancellariae apostolicae regula de iure quaesito non tollendo, aliisque Constitutionibus et Sanctionibus apostolicis in contrarium facientibus quibuscumque.

Datum Romae apud S. Petrum, sub annulo Piscatoris, die XVI septembris MCMXII, Pontificatus Nostri anno decimo.


The original translation of the Latin text that granted juridical independence to the Augustinian Recollects is this one:

For perpetual memory.
We are accustomed to favor religious families who have distinguished themselves in the service of the Church, either by their seniority, or by the number of their members throughout the world, or, above all, by their efforts to increase the glory of God and the salvation of men, with singular honors and privileges, following the tradition of the Roman Pontiffs.
It is no secret to anyone that the Augustinian Recollects or Discalced of the Congregation of Spain and the Indies deserve a place among these families.
Belonging to the illustrious order of the most brilliant luminary of the Church, Saint Augustine, they had their origin in the venerable Tome de Jesus, who always lived with his mind fixed on the Passion of Our Most Holy Redeemer, whom with his life he made happily present in the world.
With such a noble origin, it is not surprising that this congregation multiplied so much in such a short time, not only in Spain but also in South America, in Japan and in the remote Philippine Islands, leaving everywhere the magnificent testimony of their apostolic zeal through holy and learned men, many of whom attained martyrdom.
This praise extends to all the provinces of the Congregation, but the Province of St. Nicholas of Tolentine, which has worked so hard to spread the name of Christ throughout the length and breadth of the Philippines, deserves it in a special way.
With the help of God, this province survived as a sacred fire that revived the Recollect family in the ancient regions where, because of the injury of the times, it had become dormant, and in which it is now producing abundant fruits of religious zeal.
Consequently, our predecessors in the Roman See thought it appropriate to distinguish the Institute of the Augustinian Recollects with special privileges and graces.
It also seems right to us to attend to the prayers and supplications of our beloved son, Francisco Sádaba de la Virgen del Carmen, procurator general, who has asked us for new graces for his congregation.
Wherefore, looking with particular benevolence to the Augustinian Recollects or discalced of the congregation of Spain and the Indies and longing for their development and prosperity, as far as in the Lord it is on our part, with apostolic authority, we grant and confer upon them that their supreme moderator, who until now has been called vicar general, henceforth and forever, may and should be called prior general of the order of hermits recollects of St. Augustine.
With the same authority, we grant that both the prior general and the procurator general of the said congregation be reserved a place in the papal chapel and at the functions which, by pontifical concession, are attended by the other superiors general of the orders.
Finally, in order to better show our benevolence to the esteemed congregation, by these same letters We grant in perpetuity that the prior general of the Augustinian Recollects enjoy the same faculties which, by concession of the Holy See, the beloved son, the present prior general of the order of hermits of St. Augustine has with respect to the confraternities of St. Rita of Cascia and of St. Clare of the Cross of Montefalco, and likewise with respect to the sacred scapular of the Mother of God, Virgin of Good Counsel.
We decree that the present letters will always remain valid, firm and effective, and that henceforth they will have full and complete effect; that they will be observed in everything and for everything by those whom they affect or may affect in the future, and thus they are to be judged and defined by any judges, both ordinary and delegated. And if it should happen that, knowingly or through ignorance, anyone should not respect them, his sentence shall be null and void, whatever his authority may be.
All of which We grant in derogation of Our motu proprio of April 7, 1910, concerning the necessity of having indulgences granted reviewed by the Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office, and notwithstanding Our norm, and that of the Apostolic Chancery, not to revoke acquired rights, and any other apostolic constitutions or sentences which might be alleged to the contrary.

Given in Rome, at St. Peter’s, with the Fisherman’s ring, on September 16, 1912, the tenth year of our pontificate.