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Encounter of Augustinian Recollect Bishops in Brazil concludes

The Encounter of Augustinian Recollect Bishops was held in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) from the 20th to the 25th of May under the theme: «Do you aspire to great things? Begin with the smallest» (St. Augustine, S. 69, 1, 2). In the presence of the Prior General, Fr. Miguel Ángel Hernández, and several general councilors, during these days the bishops have encouraged dialogue and listening, focusing on prayer, formation, reflection and fraternal sharing.

One of the central themes of the meeting was the reflection and deepening of synodality in the Church, for which they counted on the presence of Msgr. Luis Martín de San Martín, undersecretary of the Synod of Bishops. On the other hand, personal and pastoral experiences were shared, recognizing the role of the Holy Spirit in the synodal process, which promotes listening, dialogue and harmony.

The testimony and dedication of the members of the Augustinian Recollect Family, including those with health and age limitations who pray for the Order and the Church, was appreciated. The support of the Augustinian Recollect communities was highlighted as fundamental for sharing life in different Churches, promoting a missionary dimension that inspires hope. The importance of mercy, driven by the encounter with Jesus Christ, and the commitment to the peripheries were stressed.

Throughout the days, various questions about the life of the Order were raised and different topics such as the missionary spirit of the religious, the state of vocations and initial formation, and the presence of the Augustinian Recollect Youth (RAY) in all areas of the Order were discussed. The Prior General, in turn, emphasized that the Order «expects the bishops to share their personal, pastoral and missionary experiences when they visit the communities, especially the houses of formation».

Among the impressions of the bishops, the transcendence of the charism and the fraternal spirit were highlighted, despite the impossibility of living in community. Likewise, the value of having an Augustinian Recollect presence in the spaces of the dioceses and how the unconditional support of the Augustinian Recollect Family helps to share our life in the different Churches is reinforced.

As a result of this meeting, the bishops have shared a message in which 4 words stand out, whose initials form the foundation that guides the journey as Augustinian Recollects called to episcopal ministry: gratitude, mercy, obedience, reconciliation: all this from the basis of love.

You can read the complete message, in Spanish, English and Portuguese, from the following link: Message of the Bishops to the entire Augustinian Recollect Family.


May 20: Inauguration and spiritual retreat

The meeting began on May 20 with an opening ceremony presided over by the Prior General, Fr. Miguel Angel Hernandez, who stressed the importance of sharing experiences and enriching the missionary dimension of the Order.

The day took place in an atmosphere of spiritual retreat with a Lectio Divina prepared by Msgr. Darío Rubén Quintana on the role of Mary as Mother of the Church. The afternoon included a Eucharist presided over by Cardinal Orani João Tempesta, Archbishop of Rio de Janeiro, and a reflection on fraternal community life by Msgr. Eusebio Hernández.

May 21: Training and reflection

The second day began with a morning meditation and a talk on the role of the Holy Spirit in the life of the bishops, followed by group reflections. The bishops discussed the importance of spirituality in their pastoral mission. In the afternoon, the session focused on adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and concluded with a Eucharist.

May 22: Challenges and projects

The third day focused on the Order’s current challenges and projects. Msgr. Alejandro Castaño gave a talk on the new pastoral challenges and opportunities for evangelization in diverse contexts. The bishops divided into reflection groups to discuss their experiences and elaborate concrete proposals to strengthen the Augustinian mission.

May 23: The role of bishops emeritus

The fourth day of the meeting was dedicated to the role of bishops emeritus in the life of the Church and the Order. Msgr. Emiliano Cisneros presented the Document of the Dicastery for Bishops entitled «The Bishop Emeritus». Participants divided into groups to reflect on the transition to emeritus status and share their experiences.

In the afternoon, Friar Jaazeal Jakosalem and Javier Sanchez of ARCORES International spoke about the Order’s solidarity network. The day culminated with the approval of a message for the Augustinian Recollect family and a Mass presided by Cardinal Lacunza.

May 24: Solidarity and community spirit

The penultimate day focused on solidarity and community spirit. The bishops discussed vocations, initial formation and the presence of the Augustinian Recollect Youth (ARY). The Prior General emphasized the importance of sharing pastoral experiences with the communities. The day concluded with a mass and a reflection on service and the Christian vocation.

May 25: Closing of the Meeting

On the last day, the bishops began with a Mass at the foot of Christ the Redeemer, presided by Msgr. Alejandro Castaño. After breakfast, participants enjoyed a walk and free time to reflect on the days shared. The official closing took place with a mass, followed by a lunch with the friars of Rio de Janeiro.

The Encounter of Augustinian Recollect Bishops has been a space for deep reflection and fraternity, underlining the Order’s commitment to spiritual and pastoral renewal, and its dedication to fostering solidarity and community spirit in the world. The final words of his message reflect this:

«Both the bishops who are still at the head of the portion of the people of God that the Lord has entrusted to us, as well as those of us who have already completed this mission and are returning to the heart of the community as emeriti, we continue to be united to Christ with the Augustinian Recollect charism in our Church. Let us renew together the missionary dimension that helps us to dream, dialogue and love with concrete gestures».

On our
Youtube channel
you can watch the interviews in which several of the attending bishops share their experience.