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Sister Olivia Hernandez, new president of the Federation of Augustinian Recollect Nuns of Mexico: «To create fraternal bonds».

Yesterday, September 27, 2024, the Assembly of Augustinian Recollect Nuns of Mexico concluded with a solemn Eucharist presided by Msgr.
Francisco Javier Acero, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Mexico, and concelebrated by Fr.
Jesús María Ramos Leza and Fr.
Gerardo Ruiz Murillo.
The Assembly, which brought together the prioresses and delegates of the federated monasteries, closed a cycle of reflection and important decisions for monastic life.

After the closing, we took the opportunity to interview Sister Olivia Hernandez Garcia, newly elected president of the Federation of Augustinian Recollect Nuns of Mexico.
Sister Olivia, originally from Tampacan, San Luis Potosi, shared with us her vocational journey and her vision of the challenges and opportunities facing the Federation.

The Lord put me in the path of the Augustinian Recollect Sisters during an ordination to the priesthood, Sister Olivia recounts. From that first meeting, I felt a strong call that was confirmed over time.
I entered the monastery in 1998 and, since then, the fraternity and the sense of being a sister have been the most life-giving experiences for me.

During the Assembly, fundamental topics such as formation, vocation promotion, prayer life and the internal government of the monasteries were discussed. One of the most important moments was the revision of the updated Directory, in which we reevaluated the foundations of the most recent documents for contemplative life, Sister Olivia explained, referring to Vultum Dei Querere and Cor Orans.

Currently, the Federation has 20 monasteries (15 in Mexico and 5 in other countries), and is composed of 202 sisters in solemn vows, 19 sisters in simple vows, as well as novices, postulants and aspirants.
This year, five new monasteries participated for the first time in the Assembly, strengthening the unity of the Federation.

About her election as president, Sister Olivia describes it as an unexpected but providential call. The day of the election coincided with the anniversary of the restoration of the Puebla convent in 1905.
It is a beautiful reminder of how God guides us, as He did with Mother Guadalupe Vadillo, whose work allowed the 16 monasteries that today make up our Federation to flourish.

On the occasion of this election, Sister Olivia answered the following questions:

What is the Federal Elective (Ordinary) Assembly?

It is the meeting of the Prioresses and a delegate of all the federated monasteries to elect the Federal President and her Council, together with the treasurer.
It also deals with important matters concerning the good progress of the monasteries.
This Assembly is held every 6 years.
Now the Cor Orans has set us to have an intermediate Assembly every three years to analyze the tasks carried out according to the determinations taken in the Ordinary Assembly.

What are the topics that were discussed at this Assembly?

The Assembly addressed issues related to formation, vocation promotion, our prayer life, governance, fraternal life and finances.
On this occasion, the updating of the Directory was presented for review and approval.
The latter seemed to me to be very opportune, since in making the revision, all those present were able to re-evaluate the foundations proposed by the latest documents Vultum Dei Querere, Cor Orans, Formational Orientations of the Search for the Face of God and our Own Formation Plan, which will help us to complement our Constitutions, which we still need to update.

How was Father General’s presence at the Assembly?

The presence of our Father General at the Opening Mass left us with a taste of a brother, close and simple, both in his way of relating and in his willingness to share.
I believe that he left our confidence open so that we could approach him, not only as Prior General, but also from the experience of feeling him as a brother in our journey.

What is the role of the Federal President?

His task is to coordinate the monasteries in all that concerns the religious, human, intellectual and formative aspects of the federation, with special attention to the fundamental aspects of our Augustinian Recollect charism.
Likewise, its work seeks to create fraternal bonds between the monasteries and the Order.
The service is rendered for 6 years and now it is possible to choose to reside in the monastery to which one belongs, as long as the Assembly does not agree otherwise.

What are the main challenges facing the Federation?

Undoubtedly, to create those fraternal bonds with concrete acts of the sense of a united family, not only among our monasteries, so that we can have more relationship and support among all of us who make up the Augustinian family, using our gifts.
One of these challenges consists of advancing in a joint renovation of our Constitutions, something necessary for the new demands that are contained in the last documents referring to the contemplative life.

What are your dreams for the Federation?

I dream that we will become a self-forming federation, in which we all take responsibility for being and having prepared sisters in the Federation, to support our integral growth in different areas.

What would you ask of the Order?

Before asking, I would like to thank you for the closeness and support you have given us, since part of what we have come to grow, have and be as nuns and federation we owe much to your assistance and the advice you have given us.
And this is what I would continue to ask for: support in everything that involves our spiritual, human and charismatic growth.