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An Augustinian Retreat to live better this Lenten season

We present this Lenten retreat guide inspired by the teachings of St. Augustine and designed to prepare the heart for the arrival of Easter.

Following the teachings of St. Augustine, who considered the Word as his inseparable companion, we present a guide for a retreat during this time of Lent. This material can be used for sharing in community, parish, JAR groups, Secular Fraternity, educational ministry, or individually.

The main focus of this guide is to open the heart to the divine presence through the Word of God and, to this end, it is structured around biblical and Augustinian keys. It also explores the depth of God’s Word and its practical application in everyday life.

In this sense, this guide includes practical steps to eliminate internal noises and prepare the soul for dialogue with God. It also invites you to immerse yourself in the reading and meditation of Psalm 118 and discover the biblical and Augustinian keys that compose it.

This initiative seeks to promote the community reading of the Bible and to foster communion among the faithful of our community. Inspired by the Augustinian tradition, the guide emphasizes the importance of sharing the spiritual experience with others and strengthening the bonds of fraternity in the community.

To download the file with the retreat, please click