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One Church together

Diverse nationalities, ages, ways of life and a single experience: «the conversations of the Spirit». This is the instrument that maintained unity throughout the synod. Each member was focused on the quality of listening skills as well as the quality of the words spoken.

This means paying attention to spiritual movements, in oneself and in the other person during the conversation, which requires being attentive to more than just the words expressed. This quality of care is an act of respect, welcome and hospitality towards others as they are. It is an approach that takes seriously what is going on in the hearts of those who converse. There are two necessary attitudes that are fundamental in this process: active listening and speaking from the heart.

The synod sought to create a climate of trust and welcome, so that people could express themselves more freely. This helps them to take seriously what is going on inside them when listening to others and speaking. Ultimately, this inner attention makes us more aware of the presence and participation of the Holy Spirit in the process of sharing and discernment.

Interiority and silence are necessary to be able to activate the conversation question I want to share: Have we given ourselves the opportunity to dialogue with our inner man and in turn with God himself -who inhabits him-, in spite of the diverse activities that day by day mark our daily life?

For this exercise of interiority, it is necessary to start from exterior and interior silence. Silence, which makes us contemplate what we are and where we are. Silence helps us to internalize in order to control our ego and meet again with our deepest self, with our essence. Meditate to die and be reborn with a wonderful light that is shared.

Silence is the symphony of love created in our hearts. Silence helps to die to oneself, if we practice interiority with humility and perseverance. Meditating changes you. It is necessary to look for a meaning to silence.

Three steps to a good conversation of the spirit: personal preparation, taking the floor and listening, offering space to others and to each other, and building together. In this way, we will be able to have in our church a house and school of communion. The Augustinian Recollects must bring this essential element to the particular Church in which they find themselves, creating a synodal Church with new narratives centered on the personal experience with Jesus.

Msgr. Javier Acero OAR

(Article published in the Augustinian Recollect Yearbook 2023)