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Voting Phase Begins

The 56th General Chapter begins voting on the provisions of the Life and Mission Project.

The 56th  General Chapter of the Order of Augustinian Recollects entered its final phase this Saturday. After several days of work with the report of the Prior General, the reports of the priors provincial, the proposals of the Precapitular Commission and the members of the Chapter, the commissions have begun to present their proposals, which are already being submitted to vote.

The commissions of the General Chapter have been divided by areas: Spirituality, permanent formation and accompaniment -formed by Javier Monroy, Ian Espartero, Miguel Ángel Hernández, Rafael Mediavilla and Gabriel Robles-; Vocations and youth -formed by Juan Pablo Martínez, Rafael Castillo, José Luis Urriza, Héctor Murillo and Dionisio Selma-; Initial formation -formed by Danilo Janegitz, Albeiro Arenas, Sergio Sánchez, Víctor Villegas, Víctor González and René Paglinawan-; Ministerial Apostolate -formed by Simón Puertas, Patricio Pamo, José Alberto Moreno, Alfonso Lazaro, Jaazeal Jakosalem, José David Niño and Miguel Ángel Ciaurriz-; Educational Apostolate -formed by Raul Buhay, José María Sánchez, Cristopher Maspara, Eddy Polo, Enrique Gómez and Pedro Rivas-; and Government, Economy, Communication and Protection of Minors -formed by José Ramón Pérez, Antonio Carrón, Carlos Imas, Javier Acero and Miguel Miró-.

In the morning a solemn Eucharist was celebrated on the feast of St. Joseph, presided over by the Prior General, Miguel Miró. In his homily he recalled the words that Pope Francis dedicated to the spouse of Mary last Thursday in his audience to the Augustinian Recollects. «St. Joseph protects us and watches over us; he has the heart of a father», he said. «Today, is a day of joy, thinking that life goes on and that the Lord trusts in us.

At the conclusion of the celebration, reproductions of the painting Lucis Custos, the work of the Augustinian Recollect David Conejo, which was given to Pope Francis last Thursday, were blessed and given to the capitulars.

On Sunday, the capitulars will travel to Cascia to celebrate the Sunday Eucharist together with the rest of St. Rita, before whom they will offer the fruits of this General Chapter.