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Restructuring of provinces, six years later

The Prior General, the Priors Provincial and the capitulars share their views on the process of the union of provinces that began in 2010.

On its third day, the 56th  General Chapter analyzed one of the main decisions of the previous General Chapter: the process of restructuring in the Order. The union of provinces, which began to be defined in 2010, was implemented during the sexennium 2016-2022. The capitulars reviewed the results that have taken place since 2017, when the process became effective.

The Prior General informed on the matter, along the lines of the previously-sent report on the state of the Order. In the same vein, the priors provincial shared their views, based on their visits to the communities of their respective provinces and on their interviews with the individual religious. Likewise, the presidents of the secretariats and commissions also expressed their evaluation.

The usefulness of the Life and Mission Project, the programmatic document prepared for the first time for the 2016-2022 period, was also discussed. In the reporters’ view, it is a relevant instrument for the fulfillment of most of the decisions of the General Chapter.

The heads of secretariats and commissions also considered the possibility of streamlining the Order’s structures and organisms, so as to make them more active and effective, in communion with the Church.

The chapter, through work of the commissions and plenary, also considered another topic, the vision  and mission of the Order. 

At the beginning of the session the greetings sent to the General Chapter by Cardinals José Luis Lacunza, Giovanni Batista Re and Aquilino Bocos; bishops; Augustinian Recollect religious and members of the Augustinian Recollect family were read.

The morning Eucharist was celebrated in Portuguese and presided over by Fr. Danilo Janegitz.