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Augustinian Recollects call for peace in Ukraine


We, the delegates of the 56th General Chapter of the Order of Augustinian Recollects gathered in Rome, join the clamor of men and women of good will from all over the world who, in the face of the horror caused by the conflict in Ukraine, cry out for peace.

We make our own the words of Pope Francis and we wish, on this Ash Wednesday with which we begin our Lenten journey, “to be close to the suffering of the Ukrainian people, to feel that we are all brothers and sisters and to implore God for an end to the war”.

We, Augustinian Recollects, also raise our voice and demand PEACE. Because, as the Pope also says, “the logic of war responds to the diabolical and perverse logic of weapons, which is the farthest from the will of God and distances itself from the ordinary people, who want peace; and who in all conflicts are the real victims, who pay in their own skin the follies of war”. (Angelus, Feb. 27). We are aware of the pain and suffering caused by this conflict.

We walk together with all men and women of peace, placing our gaze and hope in a world where neither war nor weapons exist. We find the words of the prophet Isaiah very timely: «With their swords they shall beat plowshares and with their spears pruning hooks. Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more” (Isa 2:4). So too, the words of St. Augustine «True lover of peace loves even the friends of war».