The 56th General Chapter commences; capitulars elect the Council of the Chapter.
The Order of Augustinian Recollects officially began its 56th General Chapter Tuesday, March 1, in Rome, with the presence of 34 religious capitulars from 11 countries. The assembly, which is the Order’s highest authority took its first steps.
The first session saw the constitution of the Chapter’s Council. The capitulars elected Miguel Miró as Chapter president and head the council; Miguel Ángel Hernández, as first moderator; Francisco Javier Acero, as second moderator; René Paglinawan, as counsel; and Juan Pablo Martínez, as secretary.
Committees were also formed: communications, liturgy, messages (sending and responding). The Chapter has opened the email address to those who may wish send messages.
The first two items in the Chapter agenda were then discussed: the Vision-Mission of the Order and the Formation and Accompaniment of the Religious, the latter item under the aspects of ongoing formation, formation of leaders, and formation of companions.
«Building the charism in this moment of grace»
Cardinal João Braz de Aviz, Prefect of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, presided at the opening Eucharist. The Cardinal invited the capitulars to «look to the person of Jesus» in order to understand fraternity and community life. He also assured that he will pray during these weeks so that «the light of the Spirit will illuminate the whole Chapter» and make the religious happy in the task of «building the charism in this moment of grace».
The 56th General Chapter officially opened with the singing of ‘Veni Creator Spiritus’ and the greeting of the Prior General, Miguel Miro. Inviting the capitulars to speak freely during these days, he said: «Each chapter is a charismatic and ecclesial event that manifests the action of God in the life and history of our Order”. He also recalled the year-long celebration, begun last November, of the 4th centenary of the Recollection’s first General Chapter in Madrid in 1621, and aligned the celebration of with the synodal process of the Church.