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Message of the Prior General for the feast of the Augustinian Recollection

The Prior General, Miguel Miró, recalls in his message the origin of the Augustinian Recollection and invites us to open our hearts to Christ and to look to the future with hope.


Today, at St. Peter’s tomb, we celebrate together with the Secular Augustinian Recollect Fraternities the 431 years of the Recollection. We want to reaffirm the communion of the Order with Peter and his successors. Today we manifest our fidelity to Pope Francis and his teachings.

Let us remember that December 5, 1588, when the Chapter of the Augustinian Province of Castile promulgated the founding act of the Recollection. The vowels of the Chapter did not want to put obstacles to the Holy Spirit and gave a channel to the desires for a more evangelical life that sprang up in the communities. We celebrate with gratitude and hope the 431st Anniversary of the Recollection.

The Augustinian Recollection gave birth to this Family, convoked by the Spirit and today extended to 22 nations. That chapter of 1588 collected the concerns of all those religious who, as our Constitutions point out, driven by a special collective charism, wanted to live with renewed fervour and new norms the form of consecrated life that St. Augustine founded in the Church. The Form of Life expresses the desire for holiness, to love with greater dedication and coherence, to intensify the life of prayer and the fraternal life of the communities.

As we recall the origin and history of the Order, let us remember with gratitude the blessings of the Lord. Let us not remain in human events, let us admire God’s action. Let us open our hearts to Christ and to his Spirit; today he continues to call us to respond as religious and lay people once did. Let us not resist the action of the Holy Spirit.

May the Lord infuse us with his Spirit so that we may love with renewed faith, hope and charity, and live the joy of the Gospel. May the saints of the Order accompany us to be creators of communion.

Miguel Miró OAR
Prior general