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«Social action, community life and ongoing formation are our challenges in the Philippines»

The Prior General has valued the presence of the Augustinian Recollects in the Philippines and puts all his hopes in the 7th Provincial Chapter of St. Ezequiel Moreno to be «creators of communion» The Provincial Chapter of St. Ezekiel Moreno, which during these weeks gathers 27 Augustinian Recollects in the Philippines, is being presided over by the Prior General of the Augustinian Recollects Order. Miguel Miró is present in the first of the four provincial chapters that will take place this year. All of them will have as a line to follow the process of revitalization and restructuring that marked the 55th General Chapter. «Pope Francis entrusted us to be creators of communion, now the provincial chapters will have to see how this is done in the parishes, in the schools and the different ministries where we are,» he said in an interview carried out by the communication team. of the Augustinian Recollects in the Philippines with motives from the Provincial Chapter of St. Ezekiel Moreno.
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To be «creators of communion», the Prior General indicates that the first objective is the realization of the project of Life and Mission of the province, in accordance with the project that marked the General Chapter. Once this is done, each province will have to address its own challenges. «Social action, community life and ongoing formation I think are the main challenges we have here in the Philippines,» he says. On the process of restructuring, Miguel Miró has summarized that, after the many meetings held with the different provinces, «we must readjust ministries to be present and consolidate our presence in other places so that we can proclaim the Gospel with confidence and freedom, and be where the Church needs us. » The Prior General finally sent a message to the young Augustinian Recollects and the entire Augustinian Recollect family. «May they live with gratitude the Christian vocation with an Augustinian spirit of fraternity and solidarity». He also asked that they be communion in the Church and in society. «We want to transmit the joy of the Gospel to all people,» he concluded.