Five young Recollects, four from the province of St. Nicholas of Tolentine (Ivanderley, Diego, Francisco and Ricardo) and one from the province of St. Joseph (August), participated in the «Special preparation month for the solemn profession» in Monachil, Granada , From 25 June to 23 July.
The organizing committee, headed by Fr. Javier Monroy (President of the General Secretariat of Spirituality and Formation), Fr. Luciano Audisio and Fr. Edmilson Vidal, is in charge of carrying out the formation in these intense days of preparation. In addition, Fr. Javier Goizueta and Fr. Enrique Gómez have been present for some of the training topics.
Wisdom of inwardness, wisdom of the community and wisdom of recollection
The purpose of this month is to «mentalize and make experience of the young people who are preparing to make the solemn profession. Experience of the basic charismatic aspects: interiority, transcendence, community, recollection, according to the new formative itinerary that is being elaborated, that it is a new style of both formation and formation”, says Fr. J. Monroy. In addition, it has been proposed «to develop a personal project as a lifelong commitment, addressing the basic points that wants to continue to grow as an Augustinian Recollect.»
This year there has been a different approach «because other years gave a history of the order, on Augustine, on the pastoral (youth, parish, missions), but as young people are already in pastoral experiences are things they know, That is why we have changed, so as not to result in something that you already know «, because it is intended» to seek more experiential things than the Augustinian way implies in its basic points that are elaborated in three great wisdoms: wisdom of the interiority, wisdom of the Community and wisdom of harvesting, «said Fr. J. Monroy.
As for the themes, Fr. J. Monroy said that he had «a week that can deal with the experience of interiority, as a mystical experience and ours; Another week about the community, treated from the harsh reality with everything it supposes; Then a week of exercises (spiritual retreat to internalize everything treated); Other days they have dedicated themselves on the gathering: what it is, how it is understood and how it is necessary to live it «.
On the other hand, the participants are grateful for the formation that is organized from the generalate to strengthen and revive the Augustinian Recollect life and face with Augustinian passion the new challenges and challenges of the order in this process of restructuring. Because «it has been a reflection on our life, our vocation and above all how we want to live our Augustinian Recollects,» said Fr. Francisco.
Over the weeks has insisted that «let’s be realistic, let’s not go with great idealism to live by the clouds, but incarnate what we want to be. May we be that engine of change in our community and in our lives starting from the base of the Word of God and from the community experience «said Fr. Francisco.
This month of preparation has been summed up by Fr. Francisco with the phrase that has marked this time: «the crude reality» and from there that «we are able to engage the Augustinian Recollect life with passion, with determination and above all as generators of life And change in our communities and apostolates.»