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Javier Acero, vicar of Mexico and Costa Rica of the OAR: «The key to the Order is networking»

Francisco Javier Acero arrived in Mexico 18 years ago and has developed his work in the ministerial and educational apostolate. From the last Provincial Chapter of San Nicolás de Tolentino, he worked within the Order as vicar of Mexico and Costa Rica, which belongs to the Province of San Nicolás de Tolentino.

This interview describes, among other things, the presence of the OAR in Mexico and Costa Rica, which has a center in Mexico with 6 parish communities and the house of formation and also the CARDI social work, and the presence in other areas Such as Cuernavaca, Querétaro or Chihuahua.

Fr. Acero has in this interview the main challenges that are presented in these countries, the priorities of these vicariate that would be to work much more vocation ministry and secondly to consolidate the centers of Augustinian Recollect spirituality and social works.

It reveals what the main challenges are, how they are working with the laity, how the CEAR TV Network project came about and how they are living the Year of Holiness.