The Augustinian Recollects arrived in the city of Breves in 1940, the year in which the first community was formed. Since then different initiatives of the social and educational field have been carried out. In 1999, coinciding with the 100 years of the presence of the Order in Brief, it was decided to carry out a social work and in 2000 began work to begin this work. In this way was born what is currently the Santa Monica School.
In 2006, a campaign began in the time of Lent in Brazil with the motto «Get up and go for the middle», and it was as a result of this campaign when the Order decided that the educational work had to be aimed at people That need a differentiated and personalized attention.
The Santa Monica School was born as a small kindergarten of needy children and now houses more than 1200 students also with social problems. The school is an important social work in the city of Breves (Marajó, Brazil) as it is the best school with quality teaching and good facilities and totally free.
In this center, children study and receive food and are led to open up the existential horizons, in order to reverse in the future the current decline of the Marajoara people, in terms of training, culture, etc. It currently has more than 1200 students and a teaching staff of 76 teachers.
Customized attention to children with special needs
The objective of the teachers who attend the children with special needs of this school is to complement the activities that children with special needs do in their classrooms, in order to reinforce their work and remove barriers that they may encounter. From the center they emphasize that it is not n reinforcement school and that it is not a substitution to the clinical attention that these children receive, but that it is a complement that undoubtedly helps these children to be more autonomous in the school activities and outside Of the classrooms.
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